Past Events
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LTO @ SR – Socially Relevant Film Festival New York
Documentary Feature Award, Grand Prize
Find out more »LTO @ CENTRO SOCIALE Hamburg
19.00 Aufführung Rhizophora Experimentalfilm, 16 min, Regie Julia Metzger-Traber (USA), Davide de Lillis (Italien)http://rhizophora.weebly.com/ Im Anschluss: Aufführung LIGHTER THAN ORANGE - The Legacy of Dioxin in Vietnam, Dokumentarfilm, Regie Matthias Leupold, 2015, 72 min Untertitel deutsch Anschließend Diskussion …
Find out more »LTO @ Europa-Universität Viadrina
Gräfin-Dönhoff-Gebäude (GD) Hörsaal GD HS 7
Find out more »LTO @ Fusion Festival
Im Rahmen des Filmkuntfests Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wird Lighter Than Orange auf dem Fusion Festival gezeigt.
Find out more »Toxic Legacies – Agent Orange as a Challenge
Agent Orange, the herbicide used during the Vietnam War, has le us both a bitter legacy and a historical lesson. Countless people have struggled with the human and environmental damage caused by the chemical exposure that still continues today. Questions…
Find out more »LTO @ Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
Agent Orange, the herbicide used during the Vietnam War, has le us both a bitter legacy and a historical lesson. Countless people have struggled with the human and environmental damage caused by the chemical exposure that still continues today. Questions…
Find out more »LTO @ Hollywood Film Festival
For further information, please visit the site of the festival: http://hollywoodfilmfestival.com/films/lighter-than-orange/
Find out more »LTO @ Hollywood Film Festival
For further information, please visit the site of the festival: http://hollywoodfilmfestival.com/films/lighter-than-orange/
Find out more »LTO @ International Uranium Film Festival
Screening with subsequent talk Filmaufführung mit anschließendem Gespräch
Find out more »LTO @ Sendlinger Kulturschmiede e.V.
Screening & Interview with the director Matthias Leupold Filmaufführung und Gespräch mit dem Regisseur Matthias Leupold
Find out more »LTO @ New York City Independent Film Festival
The NYC Indie Film Festival provides a showcase for the best in independent cinema, including short films, feature films, music videos, and animated works. With panels, parties and a week-long gathering of fellow indie filmmakers, the 6th Annual New York…
Find out more »LTO @ Freie Universität Berlin
Filmaufführung und Gespräch: „Rostlaube“/Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Raum J 32/102 Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie | Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Find out more »LTO @ Amerikahaus, Munich
For further information follow this link / Für weiterführende Informationen, folgen Sie bitte diesem Link: http://www.amerikahaus.de/veranstaltungen/detail/lighter-than-orange-the-legacy-of-dioxin-in-vietnam/#.Vjb88XmnEao
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